WKCAC takes tax deductible donations! Also every child that is brought to the WKCAC receives a backpack filled with comfort items.

Cash Donations

Consider connecting us to your Dillon's Plus Card Community Rewards program or similar programs.

To see a child receive a WKCAC bag is like a child opening a Christmas present. It is magical and each item seems to be special to them. Your donations are not only appreciated by the WKCAC, but especially appreciated by the children. Thank you for your interest in providing a child a little hope and a smile.
Every bag contains a blanket, stuffed animal, educational/prevention information depending on age and hygiene items (such as: soap, shampoo/conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, and a comb/brush). Other items that may be included in the bags are school supplies, pajamas, coloring books, toys, etc. A bag is given to children between the ages of 2 to 18. See our wish list below!
Western Kansas Child Advocacy Center
Wish List
Below is only a suggestion of items we give to the children:
Pillows (Standard Size)
Stuffed animals
New small to medium toys
Educational Books, magazines, crossword puzzles (English and/or Spanish)
Coloring Books (English and/or Spanish)
Mandala (adult color books)
School folders
Pencils, Sharpeners, Crayons, Color pencils, Markers, Gel pens
Small Hygiene products
Soap, shampoo & conditioners
Lotions (the girls especially love the scented varieties)
Deodorant for young men and women
Chap stick
Journals & pens
Playing cards (Go fish, Uno, regular cards,)
Purses (every girl regardless of age loves a purse!)
Small games (Puzzles & handheld games)
Music players (we give these to the teenagers and can usually find non-name brands for around $25.00. The kids really enjoy these)
Hair accessories
Make up for the teen girls
Frisbee Golf discs, Basketball, Footballs, Soccer balls, etc.
Winter Season:
Warm pajamas
Summer Season:
Flip Flop (all Sizes) Boys/Girls
Summer pajamas
Food Items:
Pre-packaged child snacks (ex: cookies, crackers, chips, fruit snacks, suckers, etc)
Pop (any flavor)
Bottled water
Juice Boxes/Capri-Suns
Grocery Store Gift Cards