2022 Statistics
Experts estimate that 1 in 10 children will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday.
Since inception in 2004 approximately 6,275 children have been interviewed.
Our Forensic Interviewers provided 575 interviews in 2022, 2 interviews per working day.
83% of the cases were for sexual abuse
15% for physical abuse
2% for neglect or emotional abuse
68% of the victims interviewed were female and 32% were male.
Ages Race/Ethnicity
1-6 years = 22% 65% were Caucasian
7-12 years = 41% 30% were Hispanic/Latino
13-17 years = 35% 4% were African American
18+ years = 1% 1% Asian or Pacific Islander
Perpetrator Information:
Ages Race/Ethnicity Relationship to Victim
4-12 years = 10% 63% Caucasian Parent 25%
13-17 years = 19% 26% Hispanic/Latino Step-Parent 4%
18-29 years = 16% 3% African American Other Relative 19%
30-59 years = 46% 8% Unknown Parent BF/GF 9%
60+ years = 3% Other Known 38%
Unknown = 6% Unknown 5%
Our Child & Family Advocates provided advocacy 7,786 times for 1,115 children.
The 2 Youth Advocates provided 979 mentorship sessions to 90 youth in our communities and provided 7 WhyTry/Resilience for Youth classes in 7 school districts for 58 sessions.
WKCAC Therapists saw 376 children in 2022 for a total of 3,221 sessions to help heal the trauma of abuse.
Art Facilitation that was provided allowed 91 youth to express themselves and process their trauma through art when they may not be able to voice it, for a total of 384 sessions.
128 SANE/Medical exams were performed.
Over 62,000 miles were traveled in 2022 by our 3 Mobile Therapy Units, 2 Mobile CACs, and 1 Mobile Medical Unit.
34 counties have signed interagency agreements with the WKCAC to provide services in their counties.
We lead monthly Multi-Disciplinary Teams in 16 counties cooperating with local partners to coordinate the best care and safety for the children and their non-offending caregivers.
Sexual abuse can occur at all ages,
probably younger than you think
-The median age for reported sexual abuse is 9 years old. Approximately -20% of the victims of sexual abuse are under age eight.
-50% of all victims of forcible sodomy, sexual assault with an object, and forcible fondling are under age twelve.
CONSEQUENCES to children and to our society begin immediately
70-80% of sexual abuse survivors report excessive drug and alcohol use.
Serial child molesters may have as many as 400 victims in their lifetimes.
Approximately 70% of sexual offenders of children have between 1 and 9 victims; 20-25% have 10 to 40 victims.
Both males and females who have been sexually abused are more likely to engage in prostitution.
Approximately 40% of sex offenders report sexual abuse as children.
More than 60% of teen first pregnancies are preceded by experiences of molestation, rape or attempted rape. The average age of the offenders is 27 years old.
Young girls who are sexually abused are more likely to develop eating disorders as adolescents.
One study showed that among male survivors, 50% have suicidal thoughts and more than 20% attempt suicide.
Even within the walls of their own homes, children are at risk
30-40% of children are abused by family members.
As many as 90% are abused by people the family trusts- abusers frequently try to form a trusting relationship with parents.
Nearly 40% are abused by older or larger children.
People who abuse children look and act just like everyone else. In fact, they often go out of their way to appear trustworthy to gain access to children.
Those who sexually abuse children are drawn to settings where they can gain easy access to children, such as sports leagues, faith centers, clubs, and schools.